Be Strong

Appalachian States Lacrosse (ASL) is a non-profit program committed to providing opportunities for both boy and girl athletes playing the great sport of Lacrosse. Teams who participate in the ASL "Conference" are geographically located along the Rt I-81 corridor in Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, and Virginia.  

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We promote the opportunity for....

Boys and girls of all age groups and skill levels, including (but not limited to): Elementary School age, Middle School age and High School to play Lacrosse. (Ages 4-19) Conference play is one simple way the ASL has expanded opportunities for youth to participate in this great sport. Training Camps, off season play, and select Travel Club programs provide additional resources for athletes and coaches to grow the game locally.  

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Great Teams don't care who gets credit. Team Success is more important than individual Recognition

Our Values

Team Work



We strive to build teamwork among coaches and athletes in an ever growing community. 

We strive to promote great men and women in the community who officiate our games by promoting local opportunities, recruiting, and offering local trainings .

We focus on modeling and encouraging behavior that shows strong moral standards. Always being someone we are proud of. 

2024 Events

Appalachian States Lacrosse events cover events that include all teams in the conference, community lacrosse events in the area, and training programs located along the Rt I-81 corridor in Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, and Virginia.  Individual team schedules can be found on the 

Conference Championships
Location TBD

Mar 1

More Info On Events

2024 Lacrosse Season starts for ASLC


Team sub pages located here



Off-Season Training

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Junior Lacrosse

Our Community

Join The Conference

Join this amazing community of supported lacrosse teams and families. 
